Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is it really free?
Yes! We will deliver and install a filling station at your compound for FREE!
2. What is the minimum volume requirement?
The minimum is 6,000 liters per delivery and minimum of 40,000 liters for a free filling station.
3. Where is your fuel from? Is it good quality?
Yes! We buy in bulk ONLY from the Oil majors only. We buy millions of liters and we are given a volume discount which we pass on to our customers.
4. Since you buy from the big3 oil firms then I can just go straight to them for a better price?
You can try but we are confident that the big3 oil firms will not give you the kind of discount we can give since we buy in the millions of liters. Plus the Oil majors typically DO NOT deliver below 14,000 liters.
5. How much will fuel prices be?
It will be significantly below the gas station prices of Petron, Shell or Caltex. The amount depends on the order.
Note: In effect you will be getting fuel cheaper than the gas station owners themselves!
6. My compound is outside Metro Manila, can you still deliver?
Yes, For deliveries below 10,000 liters we only deliver to Metro Manila (MM). If you want small volume deliveries (below 10kl) outside MM, you will be required to get the “Mobile Tanker with Depot” option.
7. Are Above Ground Tanks’s (AGT) safe?
Absolutely! It is still currently being used for retailing in the U.S.A. and other developed nations. The AGT set up has been in use for decades. It is allowed for company use only. Local clients like FFCruz, Freysinnet, 2GO, Selecta Feeds, Bus companies use have been using AGT’s for decades. You can actually throw a cigarette in the diesel tank, the diesel fuel would just snuff out the cigarette.
8. Will you give me terms?
Yes! We can give as much as 30 days credit line. We will require a bank guarantee or cash bond.
9. What are the requirements to put up the filling station?
If the filling station is for company use only, there is typically no requirements except for the minimum order of 40,000 liters per delivery.
10. How big is the tank?
The 2,000 liters tank is 8 feet long with a diameter of 4 feet
The tank for the elf is 4,000 liters – approximately 10 feet long with a diameter of 6 feet
The 15,000 liters tank is 16feet long with a diameter of 8 feet